Volunteer Fire Protection Association Workers’ Compensation Insurance Grant Program

In 2016, Missouri law was revised through the enactment of SCS SB613 to enable the Division of Fire Safety to provide grants to eligible Volunteer Fire Protection Associations (VFPAs) to fund Workers’ Compensation Insurance (WCI) policy premiums paid to cover their volunteer firefighters, when funding is available. The distribution of funds for this program is governed by 287.245 RSMo.
Under the program, eligible VFPA agencies may apply to the Division of Fire Safety (DFS) for up to $2,000 in funding to offset or defray the cost of their WCI premiums. The amount of funding available to an eligible agency is based upon the number of Workers’ Compensation Insurance claims (Losses) in the previous calendar year and the actual cost of the WCI premium.
When funding is available, the grant award schedule shall be as follows:
- Associations with 0-5 claims shall be eligible for up to $2,000.
- Associations with 6-10 claims shall be eligible for up to $1,500.
- Associations with 11-15 claims shall be eligible for up to $1,000.
- Associations with 16-20 claims shall be eligible for up to $500.
Funding has been made available in the FY 2025 budget appropriation for applications to be
received and approved for agencies which meet the eligibility requirements of this grant.
Funding will be provided on a first come, first serve basis while funds are available. The
funding eligibility criteria and requirements, as defined by statute, are listed below.
- Agencies that receive direct funding from tax revenues are NOT eligible for this grant program.
- Agency must be a Volunteer Fire Protection Association, as defined in 320.300 RSMo
- Agency must have a Fire Department Identification Number (FDID) and an approved, up-to-date, Fire Department Registration, as defined in 320.271 RSMo. Agency registration status and FDID verification can be found HERE.
- Agency must have a Vendor Identification Number with the Missouri Office of Administration (click HERE for Vendor Input Application)
- Agency must provide documentation from their Workers’ Compensation Insurance (WCI) carrier of the number of individuals who received WCI benefits (number of claims) in the previous calendar year.
- This document is commonly called a Loss Report. It must cover the entirety of the calendar year prior to that in which the application is submitted.
- For instance, if an application is submitted to the program during calendar year 2024 (January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2024), the Loss Report must at least cover January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2023, to be accepted as a valid document.
- This document is commonly called a Loss Report. It must cover the entirety of the calendar year prior to that in which the application is submitted.
- Agency must provide verification of payment of the WCI policy premiums for the policy period being submitted in the grant application. The following items must be provided to satisfy this requirement:
- A copy of the invoice for the policy premium being submitted in the application. If you did not receive an invoice, you may submit the following item in lieu of an invoice:
- A copy of the Policy Declaration page/s. This document contains the insurance company’s name, policy number, the premium cost for the policy period, and the effective dates of coverage for the policy.
- A copy of the receipt showing payment of the premium fees. If a receipt is not available, the following items can be submitted in lieu of a receipt for payment:
- A copy of the relevant portion of a bank statement showing that payment of the premium fee was processed (must include check number or transaction number and date of payment/processing), OR
- A letter from your insurance carrier/provider stating that the payment has been made. If a letter is submitted, it must contain the following information:
- Name of the insurer/insurance company.
- Name of the agent.
- Contact information for the agent.
- Phone number, mailing address, and valid email address.
- Name of the insured party (fire department name).
- Policy number.
- Policy period and effective dates of the policy.
- Amount of the policy premium.
- Date of receipt of payment of the policy premium fees.
- Method of payment of the policy premium fees (cash, check, credit card, etc.).
Once an agency meets all grant eligibility requirements, and all pertinent documentation is collected, they may apply by completing the online application by clicking HERE.
Once an application is received by the Division of Fire Safety, it will be reviewed for completeness and compliance prior to approval. Applications which meet all grant program requirements will be approved and processed for payment. Any application which does not meet all grant program requirements at the time of submission will be contacted by the Division of Fire Safety to resolve any issues.
If you have any questions about the Volunteer Fire Protection Association Workers’ Compensation Insurance Grant Program, please contact the Division of Fire Safety and ask to speak with Statewide Fire Mutual Aid Coordinator Joshua Couture.
Joshua Couture | Statewide Fire Mutual Aid Coordinator
Phone | (573) 751-1601
Email | joshua.couture@dfs.dps.mo.gov