Fire Safety Funded Training
Since 1986, MODFS has had the responsibility for enforcing RSMO 320.094 that provides funds for cost-free training to fire fighters and first responders in the State of Missouri. MODFS is appropriated general revenue funds, chemical emergency preparedness funds (CEPF) and fees collected from fireworks manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and Display Operator/Pyrotechnic Shooter licenses to provide statewide training classes. Since 2015, MODFS has been the National Fire Academy (NFA) Point of Contact and is awarded funds annually to deliver state/local sponsored NFA classes. These approved classes must meet specific criteria and be offered at no cost to students across the state. The Missouri Fire Safety Education / Advisory Commission meets on a quarterly basis to ensure MODFS is meeting its mission of providing current training and certification across the state, while also advising on current trends in the fire service.
Departments can request fire safety funded training through an application process. The Division takes requests for training year-round to ensure training is available throughout the entire year. To request training fire safety funded training go to Fire Safety Funded Training.
How to request cost-free training courses for fire service and first responder personnel:
Visit the link at: Contracted Training Course List and Request Form
- Review the listing of available training courses and obtain request form. You will need to download and save the form to your computer.
- Select course and email the completed form to
- Course requests will be reviewed based on established training priorities, logistics and available funding.
- If approved for delivery, contact will be established between host agencies and approved training vendor to finalize schedule and delivery details.
Once courses are scheduled, they will appear on the Course Schedule. This calendar listing will include general information for the course and instructions for students to sign up.