To meet the ever-changing demands placed on first responders, today’s fire service requires a wide range of knowledge in specialized training. The Division of Fire Safety has developed training and certification to meet NFPA 1006 Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications. Our goal is to make technical rescuer training available to all departments with different sizes and budgets, to better prepare our Missouri’s fire service for all types of hazards and increasing demands.

The Rope Rescue program has been designed for responders to enhance their safety awareness of technical rescue incidents involving rescues in a low/high angle environment. It will strengthen responders’ knowledge and skills in pre-planning, managing resources, communications, and specialized rescue techniques. These courses provide an opportunity for the student to gain specialized proficiency and versatility, for high-hazard incidents. The Division of Fire Safety currently offers certification for Rope Rescue: Awareness, Operations, and Technician.

  • Awareness level course represents the minimum capability of individuals who respond to technical search and rescue incidents.
  • Operations level course represents the capability of individuals to respond to technical search and rescue incidents and to identify hazards, use equipment, and apply limited techniques specified in this standard to support and participate in technical search and rescue incidents.
  • Technician level course represents the capability of individuals to respond to technical search and rescue incidents and to identify hazards, use equipment, and apply advanced techniques specified in this standard necessary to coordinate, perform, and supervise technical search and rescue incidents.

To deliver these courses locally or for course information, download the appropriate program handbook at MODFS Certification Program Handbooks or contact the Division’s Training and Certification Unit at (573) 522-4849. To request delivery through contracted training, please visit the contracted training web page.

Technical Rescue: Rope Rescue Certification Exams


The written exam for this level consists of 50 multiple-choice questions based on the NFPA 1006 standard. Students have one hour to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. Students must also successfully complete a practical skills exam.


The written exam for this level consists of 100 multiple-choice questions based on the NFPA 1006 standard. Students have two hours to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. Students must also successfully complete a practical skills exam.


The written exam for this level consists of 50 multiple-choice questions based on the NFPA 1006 standard. Students have one hour to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. Students must also successfully complete a practical skills exam.

The Technical Rescue: Rope Rescue Certification exams are referenced to NFPA 1006 standard, and the Rope Rescue Principles and Practice, Fifth Edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Technical Rescuer certification is internationally accredited by IFSAC and Pro Board.