It is essential that all fire departments utilize properly trained driver/operators who meet all pertinent requirements contained in NFPA 1010, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications. This standard is designed so that driver/operators can be certified to the types of apparatus their department operates. The Missouri Division of Fire Safety offers certifications for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator – Core, Pumper, Aerial, and Mobile Water Supply. Successful completion of an approved Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator course is required to be eligible to take the appropriate state certification exams.

Certification is issued to individuals who meet the required qualifications and successfully pass the appropriate Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Certification Examinations.

To deliver these courses locally or for course information, Download the appropriate program handbook at MODFS Certification Program Handbooks for course information and for details on requesting course delivery or contact the Division’s Training and Certification Unit at 573-522-4849. To request delivery through contracted training, please visit the contracted training web page.

Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Certification Exams

Driver/Operator - Core

The written exam for this level consists of 50 multiple-choice questions based on the NFPA 1010 standard. Students have one hour to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. Students must also successfully complete a practical skills exam.

Driver/Operator - Pumper

The written exam for this level consists of 100 multiple-choice questions based on the NFPA 1010 standard. Students have two hours to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. Students must also successfully complete a practical skills exam.

Driver/Operator - Aerial

The written exam for this level consists of 50 multiple-choice questions based on the NFPA 1010 standard. Students have one hour to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. Students must also successfully complete a practical skills exam.

Driver/Operator – Mobile Water Supply

The written exam for this level consists of 50 multiple-choice questions based on the NFPA 1010 standard. Students have one hour to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. Students must also successfully complete a practical skills exam.

Driver Operator – Core, Pumper, Aerial, and Mobile Water Supply are internationally accredited by IFSAC and Pro Board.