Missouri State Statute RSMo 324.1100 to RSMo 324.1148 requires private fire investigators doing business in the state of Missouri to “provide evidence of active certification as a fire investigator issued by the division of fire safety.”

To become a state Certified Fire Investigator individuals must meet one of three requirements:

  1. Successfully complete the division’s Fire Investigator course and then obtain certification through the division by passing the written and practical skills certification exams.
  2. Hold a current certification as a Fire Investigator by the Missouri Division of Fire Safety.
  3. Apply for reciprocity with the Division of Fire Safety by providing verification of current certification as a Fire Investigator issued by a certifying entity which is accredited through the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) or the Fire Service Professional Qualifications System (Pro Board).

Reciprocity Information

Individuals holding current Fire Investigator certification from another IFSAC or Pro Board accredited entity may apply for reciprocity through the state of Missouri. A copy of a current IFSAC or Pro Board accredited certificate must be submitted along with the application.  To apply for reciprocity visit the Equivalency/Reciprocity page for instructions and an application.

Missouri Fire Investigator Course Information for PFI Licensing

For individuals seeking certification to apply for a Private Fire Investigator license needing to attend the Missouri Division of Fire Safety’s 80-hour Fire Investigator Course, you can obtain course information by emailing us at training@dfs.dps.mo.gov.

The Fire Investigator class size is strictly limited to 20 students per class and is offered three (3) times a year. Prerequisite documentation must be submitted during the electronic application process in the MODFS Acadis platform to be considered for enrollment. Accepted applicants will receive a confirmation enrollment email once all required documentation is received and the candidate is approved for enrollment. Once the candidate is approved to attend the Fire Investigator class, you must submit your payment of $750 made payable to the Missouri Fire Education Fund.

For more information about the Fire Investigator program download the program handbook at MODFS Certification Program Handbooks or contact the Training and Certification Unit at 573-522-4849.