Fire service training presents many challenges, all of which can be met by well-prepared and educated instructors. Instructors strive to provide firefighters and emergency responders with the knowledge and skills that enable them to perform their jobs in a safe and effective manner.

The Division continuously works to strengthen and advance the education and skills of Missouri’s fire service instructors. Successful completion of an approved Fire Service Instructor I or Instructor II course is a requirement for eligibility for state certification testing at those levels. These levels are based on NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications.

The Fire Service Instructor I and II courses are available for delivery at the local level or through contracted training. Download the appropriate program handbook at MODFS Certification Program Handbooks for course information and for details on requesting course delivery or contact the Division’s Training and Certification Unit at 573-522-4849. To request delivery through contracted training, please visit the contracted training web page.


Pre-registration is required and must be submitted and approved prior to the start of the course requested. This course is open to interested individuals who have met all prerequisites and submitted completed applications with required documentation attached. For a list of pre-requisites, course information, and how to register, download the appropriate program handbook at MODFS Certification Program Handbooks, or contact the Division’s Training and Certification Unit at 573-522-4849. Applicants will be notified prior to the course of their acceptance and any additional instructions.

Fire Service Instructor Certification Exams

Instructor I

The written exam for this level consists of 100 multiple-choice questions which are based on the NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications and the course curriculum. For reference to the current curriculum used for the course and exam, please refer to the Fire Service Instructor Certification Handbook. Students have two hours to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. The practical skills exam is to be completed by the student after completion of the course. The Division program manager will assign a topic to the student for use in their practical skill exam. For more details on the practical skill exam, refer to the Fire Service Instructor Certification Handbook.

Instructor II

The written exam for this level consists of 50 multiple-choice questions which are based on the NFPA 1041, Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications and the course curriculum. For reference to the current curriculum used for the course and exam, please refer to the Fire Service Instructor Certification Handbook. Students have one hour to complete the written exam. The student must achieve a score of 70 percent on the exam to qualify for certification. The practical skills exam is to be completed by the student after completion of the Fire Service Instructor II Course. All topics for Fire Service Instructor II practical skills are of the student’s own choosing and design. For more details on the practical skill exam, refer to the Fire Service Instructor Certification Handbook.

Fire Service Instructor I and II certification is internationally accredited by IFSAC and Pro Board.