The Fire Safety Inspection Unit is commissioned to conduct fire and life safety inspections in private care facilities where care is provided to children, the elderly, or persons with mental and/or physical disabilities. The unit’s mission to ensure these facilities meet the established standards for fire and life safety provided for in promulgated rules and/or National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards.

Facilities inspected by the Fire Safety Inspection Unit include assisted living centers, residential care facilities, family day care homes, group day care homes, child day care facilities, license-exempt child day care facilities, residential youth facilities, youth day facilities and mental health group homes.

The Fire Safety Inspection Unit comprises a deputy chief inspector, regional chief inspectors, fire inspectors assigned throughout the state, and a senior office support assistant at Division of Fire Safety headquarters in Jefferson City.

To locate a fire inspector in your area, contact the Division of Fire Safety central office at (573) 522-6207 or