Training and Testing Calendar

Certification Course Catalog

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Certification Policy Manual

The Missouri Division of Fire Safety’s (MODFS) Training and Certification Unit validates and oversees the training curriculum and testing instruments used for firefighters, fire investigators, fire inspectors, fire officers, fire service instructors, as well as emergency responders dealing with hazardous materials and technical rescue incidents. Even though certification is voluntary in the state of Missouri, MODFS has issued more than 130,000 certifications at various levels to more than 44,000 individuals.

In April 1996, MODFS received accreditation for our certification programs from the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC). IFSAC is a peer-driven, self-governing system of both fire service certification programs and higher education degree programs.

In October 2011, MODFS received accreditation for our certification programs from the National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (Pro Board).

MODFS is dually accredited to various levels of certification based on the Professional Qualifications of NFPA standards 1001, 1002, 1010, 1006, 1020, 1021, 1030, 1031, 1033, 1041, 1520 and 1521. Information on each current certification level can be found at MODFS Certification Program Handbooks

To learn more about accreditation from either organization, visit IFSAC at, or Pro Board at

POST licensed

The Missouri Division of Fire Safety is a licensed provider of law enforcement training as recognized by the Missouri Peace Officers Standards and Training Commission (POST). This status allows law enforcement officers to receive continuing education credits when attending qualified division training.

MODFS offers POST continuing education units (CEUs) for officers attending the Fire Investigator course.

Fire Safety Funded Training

Since 1986, MODFS has had the responsibility for enforcing RSMO 320.094 that provides funds for cost-free training to fire fighters and first responders in the State of Missouri.  MODFS is appropriated general revenue funds, chemical emergency preparedness funds (CEPF) and fees collected from fireworks manufacturers, distributors, retailers and Display Operator/Pyrotechnic Shooter licenses to provide statewide training classes.  Since 2015, MODFS has been the National Fire Academy (NFA) Point of Contact and is awarded funds annually to deliver state/local sponsored NFA classes.  These approved classes must meet specific criteria and be offered at no cost to students across the state.  The Missouri Fire Safety Education / Advisory Commission meets on a quarterly basis to ensure MODFS is meeting its mission of providing current training and certification across the state, while also advising on current trends in the fire service.

Departments can request fire safety funded training through an application process. The division takes requests for training year-round to ensure training is available throughout the entire year. To request training fire safety funded training go to Fire Safety Funded Training.